
Seek medical attention if exposure results in symptoms.


The flowers are golden yellow or sometimes pink, bell-shaped with 5 rounded lobes measuring 2-3.5cm across.

The leaves are large, glossy, elliptic, green and occur in opposite pairs or whorled in groups of three or four, measuring 8-13cm long and 2-3cm wide.


  • Potentially toxic

  • Irritant to skin or eyes


The entire plant is considered toxic although evidence is poor. If eaten, it may cause diarrhoea and vomiting. Skin contact may cause dermatitis.


Photo by Mary Louden
Photo by Mary Louden
Photo by Mary Louden
Photo by Mary Louden
Photo by Mary Louden


Common name: Allamanda

Botanical nameAllamanda blanchetii, A. cathartica, A. neriifolia, A. schottii

Other common names: Yellow allamanda, golden trumpet, bush allamanda, pink allamanda

Family: Apocynaceae

General description: An ornamental scrambling vine/shrub.

Flowers: The flowers are golden yellow or sometimes pink, bell-shaped with 5 rounded lobes measuring 2-3.5cm across.

Leaves: The leaves are large, glossy, elliptic, green and occur in opposite pairs or whorled in groups of three or four, measuring 8-13cm long and 2-3cm wide.

Fruit/Berries: The fruit are a prickly capsule that contain winged seeds.

Other: Milky, irritant sap.

Last updated: July 2023