
Seek medical attention if symptoms occur.


An ornamental deciduous shrub to 3m tall cultivated for its large showy flowers.

The blue, pink or less commonly, white flowers are in large dense clusters held at the end of the branches. Each flower has 4-5 petals.


  • Potentially toxic

  • Irritant to skin or eyes


All parts of the plant are poisonous. If eaten, symptoms can include nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea.
Skin contact can cause dermatitis, rash or irritation.


Photo by Chris Carson
Photo by Chris Carson
Photo by Chris Carson


Common name: Hydrangea

Botanical nameHydrangea macrophylla

Other common names: Big leaf hydrangea, mop heads

Family: Hydrangeaceae

General description: An ornamental deciduous shrub to 3m tall cultivated for its large showy flowers.

Flowers: The blue, pink or less commonly, white flowers are in large dense clusters held at the end of the branches. Each flower has 4-5 petals.

Leaves: The shiny light green leaves are opposite, broadly ovate with a pointed tip and coarsely toothed margins, 10-20cm long and 6-14cm wide.

Fruit/Berries: The fruit is a capsule 6-8mm long and 1-3mm in diameter with numerous tiny light brown seeds.

Last updated: July 2023