Seek medical attention if symptoms occur.
A scrambling shrub to 1m with ridged stems.
The flowers are stalkless (sessile) or on very short stalks, white with five petals and a slender corolla tube 1.5-2cm long. The calyx tube is 5-ribbed, about 1cm long and covered with sticky glandular hairs.
The leaves are ovate, with a rounded to blunt apex and a long tapered base; 1.5-9cm long and 1-4cm wide.
Contact with the leaves and roots can cause severe skin irritation, redness and blistering.

Common name: Plumbago
Botanical name: Plumbago zeylanica.
Other common names: Ceylon leadwort
Family: Plumbaginaceae
General description: A scrambling shrub to 1m with ridged stems.
Flowers: The flowers are stalkless (sessile) or on very short stalks, white with five petals and a slender corolla tube 1.5-2cm long. The calyx tube is 5-ribbed, about 1cm long and covered with sticky glandular hairs.
Leaves: The leaves are ovate, with a rounded to blunt apex and a long tapered base; 1.5-9cm long and 1-4cm wide.
Fruit/Berries: The fruit is a capsule 3-6mm long, covered with sticky glandular hairs.