Seek medical attention if symptoms occur.
Robust herb up to 3m tall, cultivated as a crop but sometimes found as a weedy escape.
The tubular flowers are white to pink or red, five lobed and held in clusters near the top of the plant.
Leaves are stalkless (sessile), simple and alternate, pale green, ovate to lance-shaped, up to 40cm long and 23cm wide; softly hairy with fine sticky hairs.
Symptoms from ingestion or skin contact can include nausea, vomiting, changes in heart rate and blood pressure, tremors, headache, dizziness and confusion; skin rash and swelling.

Common name: Tobacco
Botanical name: Nicotiana tabacum
Family: Solanaceae
General description: Robust herb up to 3m tall, cultivated as a crop but sometimes found as a weedy escape.
Flowers: The tubular flowers are white to pink or red, five lobed and held in clusters near the top of the plant.
Leaves: Leaves are stalkless (sessile), simple and alternate, pale green, ovate to lance-shaped, up to 40cm long and 23cm wide; softly hairy with fine sticky hairs.
Fruit/Berries: The fruit is a capsule 1.5-2cm long which contains numerous small seeds.
Other: Handling the plant in damp conditions increases skin absorption and risk of poisoning. It is illegal to grow tobacco in Australia without an excise license.