Seek urgent medical attention if berries or seeds are ingested.
A semi-evergreen ornamental shrub to 2m.
The perfumed flowers are bright blue fading to light mauve to almost white, about 5cm in diameter with 5 broad petals. (B. americana has yellow flowers fading to cream). The flowers are usually grouped together at the ends of branches in clusters of 2 or 3 (sometimes up to 10).
All parts of the plant, including the roots, are poisonous. Symptoms can include salivation, vomiting, diarrhoea and nervous system disturbances with excessive excitement, tremor, hallucinations, delirium and seizures. Death has been reported in dogs.

Common name: Yesterday, today and tomorrow
Botanical name: Brunfelsia australis
Other common names: Franciscea, morning, noon and night
Family: Solanaceae
General description: A semi-evergreen ornamental shrub to 2m.
Flowers: The perfumed flowers are bright blue fading to light mauve to almost white, about 5cm in diameter with 5 broad petals. (B. americana has yellow flowers fading to cream). The flowers are usually grouped together at the ends of branches in clusters of 2 or 3 (sometimes up to 10).
Leaves: The shiny green leaves are leathery in texture, alternate on the stem and elliptic to oval in shape, 4-13cm long and up to 3cm wide.
Fruit/Berries: Although very rarely seen to develop, the berries are globose to ovoid, green turning brown to black, 1-2cm in diameter, fleshy or leathery in texture. Seeds are prism shaped.